Clubhead Marker Application

Clubhead Marker Application Video

Applying Club Markers

In order to capture club data with the GCQuad, club markers must be applied to the clubface. To apply markers using the dispenser (included):


Step 1
Clean the clubface with an alcohol pad or water.





Step 2
Turn the wheel clockwise to dispense a club marker.




Step 3
Place club marker at the desired location on the clubface, adhesive side down. See images for correct fiducial placement.




Step 4
Firmly apply pressure to the marker with your finger and gently pull the tab away, leaving only the marker on the clubface.




Data Captured




4 Markers

• Clubhead speed
• Smash factor
• Attack angle
• Swing path
• Face angle
• Loft
• Lie




1 Marker

• Clubhead speed
• Smash factor
• Attack angle
• Swing path


Single Marker Placement


For best results, place the marker high on the clubface and as close to the horizontal center as possible.


Drivers, Fairways & Hybrids




Irons & Putters





Four Marker Placement


Irons | Step 1



From the bottom of the club, count score lines up to find the approximate vertical hitting center.



Irons | Step 2




Carefully apply the first two markers between the sixth and seventh score lines at the toe and heel, keeping both markers level with each other. Place marker about 1 marker width from the edge of
the score line. The center point between these two markers will define the horizontal center of the



Irons | Step 3




Carefully apply the last two markers on the toe of the club face at the top and bottom edges of the ball strike zone.


Drivers | Step 1




Count the club’s score lines to determine the vertical center of the clubface. Note: For clubs with
an even number of score lines, the vertical face center will be between the center two score lines. For
clubs with an odd number of score lines, the vertical face center will be directly on the center score line.



Drivers | Step 2




Carefully apply the first two markers along the vertical center of the face near the outer edge of the score
lines, keeping both markers level with each other. The center point between these two markers will define the horizontal center of the face.


Drivers | Step 3




Carefully apply the last two markers on the toe of the club face at the top and bottom edges of the ball strike zone.


Marker Placement for Putting


Putters | 1 Marker




• Clubhead speed
• Smash factor
• Angle of attack
• Club path


Putters | 2 Markers




• Clubhead speed
• Smash factor
• Angle of attack
• Club path
• Impact lie
• Club path


Putters | 3 Markers




• Clubhead speed
• Smash factor
• Angle of attack
• Club path
• Impact location
• Impact lie
• Club path


1 Marker




For best results, place the marker high on the clubface and as close to the horizontal center as possible.



2 Markers




The fiducials should be placed along the vertical center line, at the edges of the club face, and be equidistant from the horizontal center line of the club face.


3 Markers




The heel fiducial should be placed along the vertical center line, at the heel edge of the club face. The
two remaining fiducials should be placed the same distance from the horizontal center as the first,
on the opposite (toe) edge. The 2 toe fiducials should be placed equidistant from the vertical center



If you require additional assistance, please email

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