GC2 & HMT Information Page

There are a few things to note about your GC2 which are helpful to know straight away, so that you can get started with the technology right out of the box:

  • At the bottom of this page we have attached a GC2 Training Sheet, to help give you a comprehensive understanding of your launch monitor, as well as the original manufacturer manual.
  • Also attached are a ball and club data document as well as a data reference poster which will detail the different kinds of data that your launch monitor is capable of measuring.
  • There is an great Initial Setup Video for the GC2 which is available to watch via the link below.



In addition to the information referenced above regarding the different data that can be measured with GC2 and HMT, we have included extra information on this page as well which is specific to the HMT:

  • There is a HMT Training Sheet attached to this page, ready to help teach you more about your new launch monitor.
  • Also attached is the QuickStart guide so you can get your HMT set up easily once it is with you. It details all the parts you should have, how to attach the HMT to the GC2 via the HMT Arm and other general points of HMT setup such as HMT Marker / Fiducial application. The application of the fiducials is essential to receive club head data from shots you have taken
  • The application of the HMT Markers / Fiducials is essential to receive club head data from shots you have taken. Please see the following resources on applying fiducials to the golf club's face:
    https://www.foresightsports.com/fiducial-application-guide - This guide provides in-depth instructions on how to place the markers and which metrics will be captured depending on the number of markers used.
  • A video of the application process can be seen below

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