There are a few things to note about your GCQuad which are helpful to know straight away, so that you can get started with the technology right out of the box:
- At the bottom of this page we have attached a GCQuad Training Sheet, to help give you a comprehensive understanding of your launch monitor, as well as the original manufacturer manual.
- Should you wish to connect your device to an iPad or computer wirelessly via Wi-Fi, you will need the GCQuad's security key. This is FSSPORTS.
Simply connect to the GCQuad as you would a Wi-Fi network and if prompted to enter a PIN for the network, be sure to select "Use a Security Key Instead" and and enter FSSPORTS. - Also attached are a ball and club data document as well as a data reference poster which will detail the different kinds of data that your launch monitor is capable of measuring. Please note you will only be able to receive club data on units which have the Club Head Data module purchased.
- The application of the HMT Markers / Fiducials is essential to receive club head data from shots you have taken. Please see the following resources on applying fiducials to the golf club's face: - This guide provides in-depth instructions on how to place the markers and which metrics will be captured depending on the number of markers used.
A video of the application process can be seen below
- As a security measure, once every 45 days the GCQUAD will need to be connected to the internet, either through the FSX software or via an Ethernet cable connected to a router. This connection allows the GCQuad to communicate with the secure servers at the manufacturers and validates that the unit is where it is supposed to be, so it can remain unlocked for that region and customer accordingly.
The following video details this registration process via an Ethernet connection to your Router:
- If you haven't bought the putting data module for your launch monitor outright, your GCQuad will have a 30-day trial of the Essential Putting add-on. To help make the most of this trial, we have attached our Essential Putting Guide, which gives detailed information to help you enjoy Essential Putting during your first 30 days with your Quad and beyond! There is also further information on our help centre - GCQuad Putting Information.
If you would like more details on gaining permanent access to Essential Putting on your GCQuad once your trial expires, please don't hesitate to contact your Sales Representative.
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A guide on how to do this is available here.
If you require additional assistance, please email