GCQuad – Firmware Update Guide

This article is designed to help assist with updating the GCQuad to the latest firmware version available. The GCQuad is being regularly updated to ensure it is working as expected and to introduce newly released features. 


Step 1: Please go to the https://www.foresightsports.com/support/hardware/gcquad page on the Foresight Sports website and download the latest GCQuad firmware update.


Step 2: Once the file has been downloaded, please run the file to being the installation process. Running the installer will bring up a prompt which will explain how to update the firmware.

Step 3: The program will start installing the firmware on the launch monitor, in this time you may notice the unit flashing and text appearing on its display.



Step 4: Once complete, please reboot the device by turning the unit off and back on. The firmware installation will be complete and the Quad will be ready to record data.


Please note: The latest Firmware version will only work with FSX v3.1 and onwards.  


If you require additional assistance, please email support@optimumcompanies.eu 

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